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A blanc - 
[ah BLAN , K] A French term meaning "in white" and identifying foods, usually meats, that aren`t browned during cooking.

A la king - 
[ah lah KING] A dish of diced food (usually chicken or turkey) in a rich cream sauce containing mushrooms, pimientos, green peppers and sometimes sherry.

Abbacchio - 
[ah-BAHK-ee-yoh] Italian for a very young lamb.

Absinthe - 
[AB-sinth] Reputed to be an aphrodisiac, absinthe is a potent, bitter liqueur distilled from wormwood and flavored with a variety of herbs. It has a distinct anise flavor and is 68 percent alcohol (136 proof). Absinthe is usually diluted with water, which changes the color of the liqueur from green to milky white. Because it`s considered habit forming and hazardous to health, absinthe is prohibited in many countries and was banned in the United States in the early 1900s.

Acerola - 
[as-uh-ROH-luh] A tiny tree and the small, deep-red, cherrylike fruit that grows on it, found primarily in and around the West Indies. The fruit, which has a sweet flavor and one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C, is used in desserts and preserves.

Acetic acid - 
[a-SEE-tihk] Acetic acid is formed when common airborne bacteria interact with the alcohol present in fermented solutions such as wine, beer or cider. Acetic acid is the constituent that makes vinegar sour.

Achar - 
[ah-CHAHR] An East Indian word referring to pickled and salted relishes. They can be made sweet or hot, depending on the seasoning added.

Achiote seed - 
[ah-chee-OH-tay] The slightly musky-flavored seed of the annatto tree is available whole or ground in East Indian, Spanish and Latin American markets. Buy whole seeds when they`re a rusty red color; brown seeds are old and flavorless. Achiote seed is also called annatto which, in its paste and powder form, is used in the United States to color butter, margarine, cheese and smoked fish.

Acids - 
The word "acid" comes from the Latin acidus , meaning "sour." All acids are sour to some degree. Sourness (acidity) is found in many natural ingredients such as vinegar (acetic acid), wine (tartaric acid), lemon juice (citric acid), sour-milk products (lactic acid), apples (malic acid) and rhubarb leaves (toxic oxalic acid). When used in a marinade, acids - such as wine and lemon juice - are natural tenderizers because they break down connective tissue and cell walls.

Acidulated water - 
[a-SIHD-yoo-lay-ted] Water to which a small amount of vinegar, lemon or lime juice has been added. It`s used as a soak to prevent discoloration of some fruits and vegetables (such as apples and artichokes) that darken quickly when their cut surfaces are exposed to air. It can also be used as a cooking medium.

Acini di peppe - 
[ah-CHEE-nee dee PAY-pay] Italian for "peppercorns", referring culinarily to tiny peppercorn-shaped pasta.

Additives, food - 
In the broadest of terms, food additives are substances intentionally added to food either directly or indirectly with one or more of the following purposes: 1. to maintain or improve nutritional quality; 2. to maintain product quality and freshness; 3. to aid in the processing or preparation of food; and 4. to make food more appealing.

Ade - 
[AYD] A drink, such as lemonade or limeade, made by combining water, sugar and citrus juice.

Ado gado; gado-gado - 
[GAH-doh GAH-doh] This Indonesian favorite consists of a mixture of raw and slightly cooked vegetables served with a spicy peanut sauce made with hot chiles and coconut milk. Some-times the term "gado gado" refers only to the spicy sauce, which is used as a condiment with rice and various vegetable dishes.

Adobo - 
[ah-DOH-boh] 1. A Philippine national dish of braised chicken and pork with coconut milk. 2. A Philippine seasoning composed of chiles, herbs and vinegar.

Adobo sauce - 
[ah-DOH-boh] Of Mexican origin, this dark-red, rather piquant sauce (or paste) is made from ground chiles, herbs and vinegar. It`s used as a marinade as well as a serving sauce. Chipotle chiles are often marketed packed in adobo sauce.

Advocaat - 
[ad-voh-KAHT] Reminiscent of eggnog, this Dutch liqueur is made with brandy, egg yolks and sugar.

Adzuki bean; azuki bean - 
[ah-ZOO-kee, AH-zoo-kee] A small, dried, russet-colored bean with a sweet flavor. Adzuki beans can be purchased whole or powdered at Asian markets. They are particularly popular in Japanese cooking where they`re used in confections such as the popular yokan, made with adzuki-bean paste and agar.

Aemono - 
[ah-eh-MOH-noh] Japanese term meaning "dressed foods" and referring to saladlike dishes combined with a dressing complimentary to the ingredients. The composition of the dressings varies but is generally based on pureed tofu. Aemono dishes are usually served chilled as appetizers, although Japanese diners sometimes eat them towards the end of a meal prior to the rice.

Agar; agar-agar - 
[AH-gahr, AY-gahr] Also called kanten and Japanese gelatin, this tasteless dried seaweed acts as a setting agent and is widely used in Asia. It is marketed in the form of blocks, powder or strands and is available at Asian markets and health-food stores. Agar can be substituted for gelatin but has stronger setting properties so less of it is required.

Agave - 
[ah-GAH-vee, ah-GAH-vay] Also called century plant, this family of succulents grows in the southwestern United States, Mexico and Central America. Though poisonous when raw, agave has a sweet, mild flavor when baked or made into a syrup. Certain varieties are used in making the alcoholic beverages Mescal, Pulque and Tequila.

Aglio e olio - 
[AH-lyoh ay AW-lyoh] Italian for "garlic and oil", referring to a dressing of garlic and hot olive oil used on pasta.

Agneau - 
[an-YOH] The French word for lamb.

Agnolotti - 
[ah-nyoh-LAH-tee] Italian for "priests` caps", describing small, crescent-shaped stuffed pasta.

Aguacate - 
[ah-gwah-KAH-tay] The Spanish word for avocado.

Ahi - 
[AH-hee] The Hawaiian name for yellowfin, as well as bigeye tuna.

Aigre-doux - 
[ay-greh-DOO] The French term for the combined flavors of sour (aigre) and sweet (doux). An aigre-doux sauce might contain both vinegar and sugar.

Ajowan; ajwain - 
[AHJ-uh-wahn] Though it1s related to caraway and cumin, ajowan tastes more like thyme with an astringent edge. This native of southern India can be found in Indian markets in either ground or seed form. The light brown to purple-red seeds resemble celery seeds in size and shape. Ajowan is most commonly added to chutneys, curried dishes, breads and legumes. It`s also called carom.

Akala - 
[ah-KAH-lah] Hailing from Hawaii, this sweet, juicy berry resembles a very large raspberry. It can range in color from red to almost purple and is good eaten plain or in jams and pies.

Al forno - 
(ahl FOHR-noh) Italian for "baked" or "roasted."

Albert sauce - 
[AL-bert, al-BEHR] Usually served with beef, this is a rich horseradish sauce with a base of butter, flour and cream.

Albondiga - 
[ahl-BON-dee-gah] The Spanish word for "meatball." Albondigas is the name of a popular Mexican and Spanish dish of spicy meatballs, usually in a tomato sauce. Sopa de albondigas is a beef-broth soup with meatballs and chopped vegetables.

Albumin - 
[al-BYOO-mehn] The protein portion of the egg white, comprising about 70 percent of the whole. Albumin is also found in animal blood, milk, plants and seeds.

Alcohol - 
The only alcohol suitable for drinking is ethyl alcohol, a liquid produced by distilling the fermented juice of fruits or grains. Pure ethyl alcohol is clear, flammable and caustic. Water is therefore added to reduce its potency.

Ale - 
[AYL] An alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and hops. It`s usually stronger and, because of the hops, more bitter than beer. The color can vary from light to dark amber.

Alginic acid; algin - 
[al-JIHN-ihk] A thick, jellylike substance obtained from seaweed. Alginic acid is used as a stabilizer and thickener in a wide variety of commercially processed foods such as ice creams, puddings, flavored milk drinks, pie fillings, soups and syrups.

Alla - 
[ah-lah] The Italian word meaning "as done by, in, for or with." Eggplant alla parmigiana refers to eggplant topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.

Allemande sauce - 
[ah-leh-MAHND] A classic veloute sauce thickened with egg yolks. Also called Parisienne sauce.

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