What to eat
Capricorns love refinement in meal - a beautiful tablecloth, silver settings, table and dish serving. As most Capricorns suffer from dysbolism, they should pay more attention to the separate nutrition. But they are the only sign that can eat anything the heart desires. It is even recommended to have a glass of wine before meal.
What to drink
Capricorns is the sign to which a glass of wine doesn`t do any harm, but helps to activate the sluggish digestion. Tocay, Riesling, Muscatel are good for them. Capricorns don`t need to worry about alcohol abuse, as their attitude towards it rather indifferent. Wine doesn"t bring to the wished reverie; it is most likely the medicine.
What to cook
Capricorn has only one demand: food must be tasty. Treat them with lamb in Swiss way and dense vegetable soup. For the dessert, serve cherry pastries.
Food table
Meat: Lamb
Fruits: Cantaloupes, melons, quinces
Vegetables: Beet, eggplants
Spices: Anise, cloves, sage, nutmeg, parsley |